
Moon Sighting Confirmation

Moon Sighting Confirmation AssalamuAlaikum The Moon Was Sighted, Thus, today, Sunday, June 18th, marks the 1st of Dhu’l-Hijjah. The Day of ‘Arafah will be on Tuesday, June 27th, and Eid al-Adha will be on Wednesday, June 28th, 2023 May Allah (SWT) grant us all the blessings of this month and accept our worship. Details of Eid Prayers will be shared soon,

Zikar Majlis and Monthly Friday Night Lecture & Dinner 02nd Jun 2023 After Mughrib

Zikar Majlis and Monthly Friday Night Lecture & Dinner 02nd Jun 2023 After Mughrib Assalamu-Aleykum Brothers and Sisters In continuation of our monthly speech program Shaykh Zakariya Patel (دَامَت بَرَکاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ) will be delivering short talk (in English) on Friday 02nd Jun 2023 evening After Mughrib Salah. Brothers are welcome to join for Zikr 8:30pm Sharp before Mughrib In sha ALLAH. Followed by Surah Yasin recitation and Dua. All are welcome! Dinner will be served after the program. For Latest updates, Subscribe at (under contact & Subscribe)

Monthly Friday Night Lecture & Dinner 05th May 2023 After Mughrib

Assalamu-Aleykum Brothers and Sisters In continuation of our monthly speech program Shaykh Zakariya Patel (دَامَت بَرَکاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ) will be delivering short talk (in English) on Friday 05th May 2023 evening After Mughrib Salah. Followed by Surah Yasin recitation and Dua. All are welcome! Dinner will be served after the program. Brothers are welcome to join for Zikr 8pm Sharp before Mughrib In sha ALLAH. For Latest updates, Subscribe at (under contact & Subscribe)

Eid ul Fitr will be on Friday, 21st April 2023 Eid Prayer will be 7:00am

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ "In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate" Bismillah al rahman al rahim All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Allah; and  He is the Mighty, the Wise. Eid ul Fitr will be on Friday, 21st April 2023 Eid Prayer will be 7:00am  Fajr Iqama is at 5:40am We wish everyone a blessed Eid.   May Allah accept our fasting, worship, and charity.  Ameen. ‘Eīd Al-Fiṭr Mubārak! Khatib/Imam: SHAYKH AHMAD WARDAK Please bring your own prayers mats/sajadah and clean shopping bags for shoes as men will offer prayers on the masjid lawn and the ladies will offer their prayers inside, upstairs ladies hall. Request: Please park properly and be considerate to Security & Volunteers.

Khatam 'l-Qur'ān (Completion of Quran & Dua)

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 ISHA prayers at 09:40pm The night of 29th Ramadan WITNESS THE BLESSINGS Witness the completion of Taraweeh recitation with your family Request: Please Park properly and be considerate to security & volunteers

Ramadan 1444/2023

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Ramadan 1444/2023 Respected brothers and sisters of community The 1st day of Ramadan 1444 AH will be Thursday, March 23, 2023 and 1st TARAWIH will be tomorrow night Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Isha Iqama will be at 9:00pm. Follow Ramadan Timetable accordingly. We pray for a fruitful Ramadan for all.



Monthly Friday Night Lecture & Dinner 03rd March 2023 After Isha (Isha Iqama: 8:10pm)

Assalamu-Aleykum Brothers and Sisters السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته In continuation of our monthly speech program Moulana Imran patel (دَامَت بَرَکاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ) of Masjid Omar Farooq will be delivering short talk on Friday 03rd March 2023 evening (in English) after Isha Salah). Followed by Surah Yasin recitation and Dua. All are welcome! Dinner will be served after the program. Brothers are welcome to join for Zikr after Dua or proceed downstairs for dinner In sha ALLAH. For Latest updates, Subscribe at (under contact & Subscribe) Masjid Zakariya Scarborough 11140 Sheppard Ave East, Scarborough, ON M1B 3W5

Monthly Friday Night Lecture & Dinner 10th February 2023 After Isha (Isha Iqama: 7:30pm)

Assalamu-Aleykum Brothers and Sisters In continuation of our monthly speech program Shaykh Zakariya Patel (دَامَت بَرَکاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ) will be delivering short talk on Friday 10th February 2023 evening (in English) after Isha Salah) Isha Iqama: 7:30pm. Followed by Surah Yasin recitation and Dua. All are welcome! Dinner will be served after the program. Brothers are welcome to join for Zikr after Dua or proceed downstairs for dinner In sha ALLAH. For Latest updates, Subscribe at (under contact & Subscribe) Masjid Zakariya Scarborough 11140 Sheppard Ave East, Scarborough, ON M1B 3W5

Today evening monthly Friday program cancelation and Demise Notice ( إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون )

With heavy heart and saddley we would like to inform you that founder of our Masjid Zakariya Huzrat Dr. Ismail Memon (DB) from Darul Uloom Canada (Chatham) has passed away Friday today 9am. inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un is “Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return May Allah SWT accept his Khidmah and forgive all his shortcomings and elevate him to the highest Jannah-tul- Firdous Aala. Give Sabr-E-Jamil to his entire family and friends left behind. Ameen Janaazah Salah will be tomorrow on Saturday Feb.4th at 11am inshaAllah at Darul Uloom Chatham Canada. 51 Prince St N, Chatham, ON N7M 4J7 The burial will be in Windsor afterwards inshaAllah at Windsor Memorial Gardens Cemetery 1100 Division Rd, Windsor, ON N8W 1Z6 Benefits from elders . . Before it’s too late!

Islam 101: Intro to Islam Every Tuesday AFTER ISHA PRAYER

Islam 101: Intro to Islam Every Tuesday AFTER ISHA PRAYER We will be covering the text “The First Steps in Practising Islam” by Shaykh Omar Subedar This course has been prepared to serve as an introductory course for those who wish to learn the essential aspects of Islam and for those who intend to pursue higher Islamic studies in the areas of creed and ritual worship. It will be conducted on Tuesdays after Isha Prayer at Masjid Zakariya by Sheikh Ahmad Wardak and it will also be streamed live and uploaded on YouTube at Masjid Zakariya Scarborough. Use the link to join live over Masjid Zakariya Youtube Live Channel at

Monthly Friday Night Lecture & Dinner 3rd February 2023 After Isha (Isha Iqama: 7:15pm)

Assalamu-Aleykum Brothers and Sisters In continuation of our monthly speech program Shaykh Zakariya Patel (دَامَت بَرَکاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ) will be delivering short talk on Friday 3rd February 2023 evening (in English) after Isha Salah). Followed by Surah Yasin recitation and Dua. All are welcome! Dinner will be served after the program. Brothers are welcome to join for Zikr after Dua or proceed downstairs for dinner In sha ALLAH. For Latest updates, Subscribe at (under contact & Subscribe) Masjid Zakariya Scarborough 11140 Sheppard Ave East, Scarborough, ON M1B 3W5

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